Inspiration: the key to success in 2020
One organisation can't keep its head above the water, while others achieve success. The difference in retail today is greater than ever. Why is that? Some organisations have discovered how important it is to inspire your customers, others have not. Focusing solely on selling your products is no longer the way to run your company. In this article we explain what the most important focus points should be to be inspiring for your customers.
The world of retail is constantly changing. Large organisations are forced to leave the playing field, while smaller retail concepts are rapidly entering the market. Online stores and technology have also changed the market significantly in recent years. What is the norm today, will be surpassed by new ones tomorrow.
Inspiration ensures success. As many as 86% of consumers are willing to pay more for a better shopping experience. Inspiration gives energy and actually directs the behavior of customers. Customer satisfaction increases and loyalty to your organisation increases as well.
The term inspiration for the retail industry consists of 5 different pillars. First you have "offer and range". What a retailer has to offer must be clear right away. A wide choice, good quality and a good price-quality ratio that are important for customers.
When you succeed, the customer knows what to expect in your organisation. Examples of successful companies are Ikea and Hunkemoller.
The shop design is also an important aspect within the term inspiration. A shop in which a certain product is easy to find is important for the customer. Ici paris XL and Bever excel in this.
A unique experience is what the customer expects, over and over again. Retailers who respond to this are among the most inspiring stores in the Netherlands. A good example is Rituals. In their shops they create an oasis of tranquility, in the hustle and bustle of the city centre. This is what they want the customer to experience when using their product.
Of course, contact with customers is also part of the term inspiration. Retailers who are helpful and customer-oriented are seen by consumers as inspiring. Bol.com is a retailer that excels in this section. Their customer service can be reached 24/7 and they also offer delivery within two hours.
The last part of the term inspiration is the identity of your organisation. Openness and honesty are becoming more and more important. What you stand for and how you innovate. Sustainability is of course also a very important part of the identity of your company. More and more consumers are aware of sustainability and are making more sustainable choices.
Inspiration by sector
The scores of the various sectors have been mapped out by the companies Synergie and Crossmarks. The drugstores, cosmetics and perfumery companies are number 1. At the very bottom is the supermarket sector. Customers experience supermarkets as the least inspiring sector. Where they do score well in terms of customer contact and shop fitting, they do significantly less well in terms of shopping experience. Profits can also be achieved in other sectors such as fashion and electronics stores.
The most inspiring retailers play a relevant role in the lives of consumers. When a company focuses purely on a low price, they score extremely poorly when it comes to inspiration. The most inspiring retailers look beyond the transaction. The formula of these retailers not only includes having one of an attractive offer, but also according to the wishes of the customer. These retailers know how to offer real solutions for the customer.
Would you also like to work on the inspirationfactor of your store? A kids’ corner will give you more time and room to help customers with children select the perfect product for them. Discover your possibilities.