
Find out all you need to know about play corners, IKC's latest news and tips on how to add play value to your organisation. Discover it here!


themahoek in de kinderopvang voor meer beleving
Blog |

Create extra experience at the kindergarten with a kids' corner

From interplay and circle time to simply trying things out, childcare can provide countless tools with which children can discover their own strengths and…
closeup of new wall game from IKC
IKC News |

SNEAK PEEK: this popular game is soon available at IKC

For those who believe they have nerves of steel and a steady hand, or those who’d like to teach kids to control their patience and dexterity; be one of the…
Retail survival is in your customer experience
Branch tips |

Crisis or not, survival lies in your customer experience

Although no one is spared from the pandemic, there's one thing to reassure us. The same advice still applies – focus on what has always been of importance:…

Child and caregiver playing with wall game in hospital
Branch tips |

Adding toys to your treatment room? Here's how!

We are all familiar with the typical toys that can be found in most waiting rooms. Bead maze tables, LEGO bricks and…

Tips voor een kindvriendelijk restaurant
Branch tips |

7x Tips for a family-friendly restaurant

Hospitality and customer experience are becoming more and more important – in the catering industry these factors may play the biggest role when it comes to…
IKC speelruimte voor kinderen bij kinderdagverblijf 't Parelbosch in Eindhoven
IKC News |

Interview: Daycare centre 't Parelbosch undergoes another transformation

After the grand success of the first transformations at daycare centre ‘t Parelbosch in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, we…

IKC review of the past year 2021
IKC News |

2021 in review

This year we’ve had the opportunity to realize even more beautiful projects and to take meaningful, innovative steps as an organisation. With pride we can look…
This image shows software Arctic adventures
IKC News |

UPGRADE: Arctic Adventures is getting more games!

Thanks to a new upgrade, our bestselling Arctic Adventures software is being expanded with even more educative minigames that help teach children how to be…
IKC interactieve speelmuur Activity Wall Parcours met ruimte thema en ingebouwde klimmuur met klimgrepen voor kinderen
IKC News |

NEW: Now three interactive walls!

How do you keep children active in a fun and safe way, without additional commotion or danger? Give them a unique opportunity to play with a specially designed…