Visit us at the Intersport Ordermesse this week
This week IKC is at the Intersport Ordermesse in Heilbronn Germany. Intersport Retailers come here to find new collections and inspiration for their stores.
Since the 1960’s Intersport is the specialist store where you can find sports equipment and sportswear. Their aim is to contribute to a healthier world by offering sports equipment worldwide in more than 5300 shops in 44 countries. By adding a play concept to their stores, children will be introduced to different sports in a playful way.
A game table tailored to your needs
Together with Intersport, we have created a customized Delta 32-inch Touchtable with 8 Intersport Touch games. The touch games contain a sports theme and each game focusses on a different sport. The advantage of the Touchtable is that up to four children can play on the interactive screen at the same time. Meanwhile, their parents have more time to browse in the shop, find sports equipment and try on new clothing.
The Touchtable offers a lot of play value for children of all ages and doesn’t take up a lot of sales floor space, making it perfect for any Intersport store.
Are you attending the Intersport Ordermesse? Come to our booth and benefit from the special Intersport Ordermesse discount. If you're not able to visit the Ordermesse this week but you are interested in the play concept, please contact our specialists or visit our booth at the next Intersport Ordermesse at the end of January.